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Date: November 15th 1943
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

Monday Nov 15, 1943

Dear Phyllis:

Well Phyl I guess I had better try an drop a line to you before bedtime so if this letter isn’t very long and is kinda hard to read you’ll know the reason why.

I have just finished a letter to Earl which I have owed him for some time, might also add that I have just had the regualar evening lunch in the hut. One of the boys got a parcel with Christmas cake in it and you can be sure there isnt much left of it by now.

I recieved two letters from you last Wed Nov 10, one was an Air Mail of Oct 24 and the other was of Oct 4.

I guess winter is just about ready to set in here almost any time now. It has been cold and blustery here for the last week. Yesterday it rained of an on and in the afternoon there was a wee bit of Snow, the first we have had this year.

Well Phyllis I have to Shave yet and make my bed so maybe I had better sign of with usual

Cheerio for now.

[written on back of page, date/author unknown:]
Received Dec 13

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