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Date: September 6th 1943
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

Sept 6, 1943.

Dear Phyllis:

Well Phyllis hows Tricks I recieved your letter yesterday (Sunday) and thanks a lot.

Havent a great deal to say to-night so this letter is liable to be rather short.

I have just finished writing an Air Mail to Mother and Dad and as I told them there isnt many weekend events to talk about as I spent most of the weekend in bed or on top of it trying to get rid of a cold I had. Feel pretty good now so that is the main thing. Guess there has been a bit of excitment in Calgary. Heard yesterday that two planes had crashed. Did you by any chance see em

Well Phyllis I am so sorry that this letter must be so short but I just havent anything more to write about.

Cheerio for now
Love and Best Wishes.

P.S. – Phyllis you have been doing realy wonderful and I hate to be selfish but would you wrap up an American magazine as a parcel and send it over. It has been so long since I seen one that I forget what they look like. It would sure be a treat.

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