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Date: May 25th 1943
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochran

Allen Cochrane

May 25, 1943.

Dear Phyllis:

Well Sis I got your letter of April 13 to-day along with one from Mother. I just got done answearing Mothers so perhaps this is as good time as any to answear yours. Ill do my best anyway.

Went to see the picture ‘Desert Victory’ this evening and it was quite good. The weather has been very good up until the weekend then it started raining a bit but that didn’t stop me from going on my bike ride. Had a ride Saturday afternoon and one Sunday afternoon.

The country is certainly getting pretty right now and one can see lovely scenery wherever he goes.

Yes by all means please send a picture of yourself. I have had several taken of myself with my camera but they were so awefull that I had to destroy them but Keith and I had a picture taken in London of us to-gether so we shall send you one and one to Mother and Dad.

It certainly is too bad that you never got to see Auntie before she passed away as she would have enjoyed it so much. It sure would be swell though if you could go and see Grandpa. I know that he would enjoy it more than anything else in the world and it would be so much more significant if you went alone, if you understand what I mean but that must depend on your own discretion and on circumstances.

Well I guess that I have blated long enough and besides I cant think of anything more to say so Cherrio for now

All My Love

P.S. – It would be nice if you could wrap up the latest ‘American Magazine’ and a couple of the latest “Readers digests” as a Parcel and send them over. They would come in so handy to all the fellas.

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