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Date: April 9th 1943
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

April 9, 1943.

Dear Phyllis:

Well well how is the career women doing. (ha, ha) By your letters you seem to be doing alright and it sure is swell to hear it, keep it up.

I recieved your letter of Feb 15 on April 2 and another of March 16 on April 8. Thanks a lot for both.

I suppose you are wondering why the scratch or have the folks told you. You see I put my wrist out of order about a month ago but figured that it would be all right by now. I was most sorely mistaken for I find that I will be at least another month thus the reason for the scratch writing and the absence of letters.

I alo got a letter from Mother yesterday with a picture of you in it. I was sure glad to get but gosh surely life hasn’t got that serious has it.

Keith and I spent our leave to-gether in London and as for myseff I sure had an enjoyable time. Have you ever heard of The Strand, Fleet street, The Mall, Whitehall, Waterloo bridge Piccadily circus well I have seen them. The first night that we got into London which was about midnight, we slept so close to Big Ben that every time it chimmed it almost knocked us out of bed. Well Phyl my left hand is getting writers cramp so cherrio for now.

All my love Love

P.S. – Please remind mother to send my swimming trunks and dont forget to send some films.

I am send a picture of myself, which by the way I know is awfull.

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