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Date: February 2nd 1943
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

Feb 2nd 1943

Dear Phillis:

Hi Sis, I received your letter of Dec 26 on January 21 And boy was I sure surprised. At first I couldn’t quite swallow it but then I kinda got used to it and reseigned myself to the fact that you are just about a gone goose. Anyhow here are my most whole hearted congradulations I am realy very proud, Bert is a nice person but he is certaintly a very lucky person. When do you expect to ring the bells.

I havent seen Keith for some time, that is a couple of weeks but I think I will be seeing him soon. His leave is due to begin in a couple of weeks.

I guess you folks have been been getting some real winter weather this year havent you. I got an airletter from Mother yesterday and she said that they had just had a real blizzard. Our weather has been fair for this time of year that is very damp with a couple of nice days a week, sometimes. But it can get very miserable dont you forget that. Last Sunday was the worst that I have seen for some time. It just blew and rained all day.

The way you talk about your Christmas holiday you made me kind of homesick but dont worry that didn’t last long. You mention that Thelma is sick, I sure am sorry to hear about it, what is the matter is it the same trouble that she had before. Please say hello to her for me and give her my best regards.

You say that you had sent some cablegrams. I am very sorry but I have seen nothing of them yet. Well Phyllis there isn’t much more to say for now so will close.

With All my Love

P.S. I know you will be sending parcels to your fiancee so please dont expect to send as many to Keith and I. You have done very well. There is only one thing that I really want and that is films.

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