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Date: December 9th 1942
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

Dec 9, 1942.

Dear Phyllis

Well I got a letter from you to-night so I shall try to answear it, that is if I can concentrate enough will all the noise that - - - whoops there was a pause there of a few minutes, a guy came along bothering me and it ended up in a wrestlen match well to continue where I left off, if I can concentrate with all the noise that is going on, there are about twelve guys sitting around the fireplace all talking at once just like a womens Aid party and there is a fella in here with a radio going full blast.

There isn’t a great deal of news to give you. The weather is still very much the same, a few good days and a great many dull and cloudy ones. I spent the week end with with Keith and we spent an enjoyable time to-gether. We had been planning to get our leaves to‑gether which were due about Christmas time, and then Keiths outfit went and rearranged the leaves and now he dosent get his leave for another month so I shall have to go alone I am going to Parnells. I wont be there for Christmas day but one cant have everything.

Say hello to everyone in Calgary for me and don’t forget Eva.

Hope that you had an enjoyable Christmas
With All my Love

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