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Date: July 14th 1942
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

July 14th 1942

Dear Phyllis:

Well hows tricks, everything under control I hope. I guess everytime you get a letter from me it is somewhat a surprise eh. Well eversince I got back from my leave I have been trying to catch up on my letter writing and it seems to be a very slow process. Last night I wrote a letter to Mother I am trying to get one a week away.

Yes your airgraphs turn out swell when they are typed. I couldn’t hardly believe it when you said that you had only got a couple of letters from me so far so I looked it up and sure enough you were absolutly correct, am awfull sorry and shall try to do a lot better. You have wrote a lot more that I have so you know that that isn’t the reason that you are not getting any.

I got a parcel from Mother on the 7th of July and there was cheese, cookies, canned milk, two shirts, shaving soap, and hand soap oh yes there was also a towel and a few funny papers in it to. Not bad hey what.

Boy but you sure had a wild time when Bert was there didn’t you. Don’t you worry, it will be just between you and me.

Oh yes I almost forgot to say what letters I have got from you since I last wrote. One which you wrote on May 30 I got on June 29 Another which you wrote on June 6 I got on July 9 And there is still another but I have lost it and forget when you wrote it and when I got it. So you can see that this is a kind of heavy duty letter even though it isn’t very long.

I known that this will be rather late but here is whishing you a happy birthday. I hope you do well in your exams how is Thelma doing. Say hello to her for me.

Please let me know how Mother and Dad are doing and how everything is one the farm.

Well thats about all that I can think of for now so cheerio till next time.

With all my Love

P.S. Please don’t forget to send some films. Size 620

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