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Date: May 24th 1942
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

May 24th 1942

Dear Phyllis:

Well well well how is every little thing, fine I hope. I recieved your parcel of April 18th on the 21st of May which was last thursday and thanks a million for it, I sure am enjoying it. I sent a wire to you yesterday I hope you got it. Your letter of April 19th arrived yesterday, thanks a lot.

So you went walking through St Georges Island I guess it is getting to be quite nice there about now. So you want to know what the scenery is like eh well you know that that is a rather difficult thing to do in a letter but I shall do my best. I would send some pictures but we are not allowed to do that except personal pictures.

Where ever I have been the country seems to be very rolling with no exciptionly large hills but just large enough to be called hills. Then there is a fair amount of vegetation by that I mean trees. When you go for a walk you can see in about 15 minutes, more varietys than you can ever imagine such as spruce, pine, tamarak oak, maple, apple and a few more besides. The roads here are in no special order but but go in any direction that you can imagine. but they are all very good roads with a hard surface on them which makes them ideal for riding bicycles. When it comes to bicycles you sure see plenty of them here. Every body from the young to the old ride them both men and women.

Thursday night I went to a free stage show at the Canteen which was put on by some Canadian soilders and boy was it good. There were no women in it but that didn't bother them, they dressed up two of their cast as women and Ill bet you that you would have been as badly fooled as I was. There was one act in it where two soilders were singing in a hospital quite zone to raise money for bus fare so that they could get back to camp. The policeman had already told them to go somewheres else to sing but they disregarded his warning and kept it up. The next time that the cop came in he was supposed to hit one of them on the leg with his club, he did it all right but he hit him on the wrong leg. On the other leg the soilder had put in a board to protect him self but it didn't do much good. It sure was a good show.

Friday night I went to a free picture show at the same place the name of it was flight command. It was a very good show. I was going to go to a show last night but it was raining cats and dogs so I wrote a letter to Mother instead.

To-day is the funniest day I have ever seen I think. This morning it was bright and clear but in couple of hours it had clouded up and was raining like the very dickens. Then it will clear up for a while and then cloud up and rain. It does that about every hour. Right now it has just finished raining and the sun is shinning, in a short while it will be raining again.

Well that is about all that I can think of for now so I shall close

With Love and best wishes

P.S. – I mentioned it in the last letter I wrote but shall mention it again Dont send that piece for my camera which I had asked you to.

Original Scans

Original Scans