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Date: December 9th 1941
Wayne & Hannah Cochrane - (father & mother)
Allen Cochrane

Camp Borden, Ontario
Dec 9th, 1941.

Dear Folks:

Well how are you all. I got your letter yesterday (8th) and believe me I was sure glad to get it, I was beginning to think you people were all snowed in or perhaps something worse. It had been two weeks since I wrote you. The weather down here has been the finest, especialy for this time of the year. Although Saturday it clouded and started to Snow a little and is still that way but it is not cold. I am still tending fires, but it isn’t very hard work and we are able read or sleep most of the time, even at that, I would rather be out on the drill square. It is very hard to say for sure that I will be home for Christmas or new years because I don’t know. It has been made known that we will have five days, but if we do not get travelling time I will not be able to come because it takes five days to come and go. I will let you know as soon as I hear something definite.

By the way Mother, you were talking about buying me a pen for Christmas, but since I have all ready got one, which was given to me from the Calgary detachment I would suggest something else say for example a real nice money belt.

Say by the way Kieth Ill bet you are beggining to look like a man. If you weigh 163 lbs I think I am sorta glad I didn’t come home. The food down here is very good, that is nothing fancy, but it is very well put up.

I went to town last Saturday night, it isn’t such a bad place but I can find just as much to do in camp I think.

Boy Japan and the States sure pulled a fast one didn’t they, well I hope them slant eyed so and so’s get the pants licked off of them and get chased home, but I hear that to-night there was an air-raid warning in new york, not so good is it.

Say Kieth send me your Debert address will you.

Well Mother and Dad did you have a happy anniversary with all the celebrations or was it just an anniversary. Don’t forget that those tools are to be used and I don’t mean for the hired help.

About all for now so goodbye for the present


Send me Harrys address must send him a card at Christmas time.

By the way don’t make or send me any pajamas.

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