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Date: September 3rd 1921
Imperial War Graves Commission
Fred Gullen - (Roy Gullen's brother)

[Editor’s note: Provided by collection donor as transcription only.]


September 3rd,1921.
Imperial War Raids Commission,
82 Baker St., W. 1.
London, England.

Your Reference No. C.C.M. - 122-70693

Re Private W.R. Gullen 77252.1

Dear Sirs;-

Your letter of the 13th of August, 1921, in regard to my Brother, Private W.R. Gullen, has been received.

I would be much obliged if you would make inquiries to ascertain if a memorial has been erected in honour of my Brother, and in what Cemetery is likely to be erected. As mentioned in my former letter, he was killed at Fresnoy on May 3rd,1917. Would you also kindly advise me if the Commission intends to erect individual memorials for each man who was reported missing.

As mentioned before I intend visiting London and France next August and would like to have this matter completed before then. Any information you can give will be thankfully received and faithfully applied.

I am Sirs,
Yours respectively,
[signature of Fred Gullen]