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Date: June 1917
Mary Gullen - (Roy Gullen's wife)
E. Partridge

[Editor’s note: Posted date added for reading continuity purposes only. Content of the undated message indicates it was presumably written in or after June 1917. Identity of author as Mrs. Elizabeth Partridge was unconfirmed at time of posting (wife of Pte. John Partridge, Ser# 773095).]


Dear Mrs Gullen

I do hope this news is not true, but Mr Partridge sent me a letter this morning from France he has to go under an operation for piles, and I told you I would let you know any news I received so I will just write his own words

I suppose you have heard Mr Gullen got killed there are not many of the 125 boys left now you must tell the children to thank God their dadda is alright and keep asking him to do so.

Dear Mrs Gullen it might be possible he has made a mistake so do not give up yet if there is any-thing you would like me to ask him I shall be pleased to do so

from yours sincerely
E. Partridge

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