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Date: April 29th 1917
Roy Gullen
Mary Gullen - (wife)

[Editor’s note: Roy Gullen, initially reported as missing, was killed May 3, 1917. The letter below was mailed but subsequently returned to sender as undeliverable.]


April 29th
Echo Place Ont

Dear Roy.

Received your letter of the 28th also two field cards. I don't know if we get all your letters or not, I guess most of them as there is often two at once, only wish yours came as good to you. I guess you have things moving over there now, it must be awful when you are in it. a good many people think it will end before long, surely it will be before three years are up. It is not often I dream much, but last night I saw you ride up on some kind of a two whelled cart, you got off and walked around but the other fellow seemed to be asleep, then you were getting undressed, when you went to pull your shirt off, yours sides looked as if you were tatooed.

Did you ever get that parcel the Womans Institute sent, Mrs. J.L. Barnes was telling me they are sending another, there are towels soap two pairs home knit sox, Maple sugar, and some kind of thin under ware to put next yours skin they say it keeps the bugs away, they are sending quite a few out. she said Jim Tribble had not received one parcle that had been sent him and one or two others, I told her you were getting ours all right, in time. Well Honey I have not written for nearly a week there is not much new to tell you. My plants are just picking up and getting buds on them. the gas nearly finished them. the kiddies will want to press some for you when they come out. Nell is coming to-morrow and we are going to try and get some sewing done I believe Don forget to tell you we got another monster rat in that back room across the hall. I have not heard any more since. I have not had any cough for more than a day this winter, when I feel a fresh cold I use that inhaler it has checked it every time so far, I have ordered a hundred lbs of Flour at $5.70 and 100 lbs of Sugar at $9.00 from Mc[?] before it went any higher, they were very good about it as I would not be able to pay for it untill next month. The weather still keeps cold with showers. I had a card from Willie the other day, he said they were so busy had not had time to come down. What papers do you ever have a chance to read? Well Dearie baby is asleep on my lap, how I wish you were home to see him he is the lovely babe and 6 months old just think of it. We will send Daddy Oceans of love kisses and hugs and run away to bed

Your loving
Mary –

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