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Date: April 19th 1917
Mariette & Irene Gullen - (mother & sister)
Roy Gullen

[Editor’s note: Set of two letters.]


Apr 19/17

Dear Mother

Will try and write a line have read your letter again, needless to say how prescious your letters are, have been in push O.K. hope to be so fortunate in next push Mr Partridge is here now but Walker past away, your letters are great to read over often makes one long for the time he will be home glad you are living as well as you are, with sutch prices hope Mary and kiddies will be fortunate in their liveing if the worst happens some little place of some kind or another to keep them all together, may come through but like to say what I hope they can do, if things come round wrong the weather is very bad bye bye

Your boy

[second letter:]

Apr 19/17

Dear Irene

Your are great to write to fellow like me was so glad to get one from you it was full of good things you write as good as any young lady your age and much better than a great many, I am in a poor position to write and my pen is empty glad you take time to see the kiddies often oh for that glorious time when we will be home wish my pen was full and I had lots to say wish I had a picture of you all at home I suppose your dresses are getting longer by now glad you had some fine presents for your birthday Marguerite is a fine girl to think of things she said she wanted you to get a ribbon from Mother or Mary well will write a longer letter next

Your brother
with best of happiness

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