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Date: April 15th 1917
Mary Gullen & family - (wife & family)
Roy Gullen

Apr 15/17

Dear Mary

Received your dandy bunch of letters last night of Mar 19 and Mothers we are in the field yet will be a few days before they get the other army in it is some field would be worth your while to see them wish we were starting out now have not much to say except I am glad to write to you once again have been in some exciting place and death traps, if it looked as through it was bringing things to a close would be some hope but there is not better outlook after all I received your letters Mar 4 and 18 lately Mothers of the 19th Apr 17. I have been slow getting a letter away have been sick this last few days and am very week it has been raining for three days with a few stops I am very glad I got a few letters this last few days I have a big sore on my thum so do not write very well wish the Canadians would be pulled out and the US take it all over we have lost enough already the kiddies letters are great Don’s M’s and Stans will be glad if I am able to receive Ivans and Bruce’s picture the Canadians do not know when they will get out of here but it looks as though we may go out soon well bye bye


[continues on same page:]

Apr 18/17

Dearest Folks

Did not get it away yesterday am feeling a little better after my bad stomach ache I got a cup of salt water and brought things up, I wish had been in hospital by now, but pray that my life will be kept for the bunch it is going to take some time to drive them back hope they go home and stay soon, the kiddies wrote some great letters am not able to write each one a letter M’s letter is as good any person could write Don did great and Stan good writing makes a fine letter will try and get more papers next time we have had very bad weather for a week now does not help us any in our work or living here got a letter from [Dately?] he is a good letter writer, I should get your letters earlier but Mar 19 last is great at that. god bless you all and give you peaceful life


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