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Date: April 7th 1917
Mary Gullen & children - (wife & children)
Roy Gullen

[Editor’s note: Set of three letters.]


April 7/17

Dear Mary and kiddies

It is a wet night so will try and write a line we came out last evening and the sun was shining good for once and fritz did not hit any one coming out there were more hit this time, going in he tried to hit us on the road but he hit a road worker we made or our Batt made three trips over to get some of them the pancake batter was worsest this time my new suit is in a state I was out in no mans land on the edge of an old creater (some place) about a lake of water in it with the Iron pills going over in streams and the different lights a few days before we were in a great place safe in side will hold all of us and two or three more with lights, the big thing is next time in, hope I can write to you when it is over will write if i can soon as it is allowed well pray for the best will write a little to the children

Your old man

[second letter:]

Apr 7/17

Dear Marguerite

You are Mother’s great help remember my dear little daughter hope you will take your mothers advice in most everything well I received your big letter the other day it was a dandy when you were holding Ivan, when you are grown up try and be a good sister to your brothers you can help them with some questions that they would not ask any one else hope you will live to do a great number of good things for the big bunch of brothers

Your dad
WR Gullen

[third letter:]

Apr 7/17

Dear Don.

We got a little pay to day had some peaches and sweet milk for supper, wish I could talk with you for a half hour hope you are playing lots of games with Stan and M in a kind nice way and use them as you would like them to use you go to school every day that you can and learn your Sunday School verses try six or seven verses a Sunday stick with Mother as long as you can with the work, the verses I learned on Sunday stay with me, try and remember the best kind of life is the only kind to live that pays for all time don’t be led away by your boy friends I may not be able to write or see you for a long time is the reason I am writing you this letter, be a man in every thing and if you don’t always try try again and don’t give up trying

Your dad
W Roy Gullen

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