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Date: March 12th 1917
Mary Gullen - (wife & children)
Roy Gullen

Mar 12/17
Pte W R Gullen
1st Batt 1917

Dear Mary and kiddies

Will write a few lines, did not have to drill to day my side is very sore yet it does seem to get worse have been thinking of you all around Echo Place when we get started living again will have some different ideas, and remember my young days, so anxious for every little everday things, we have some boys just the same, who need carefull handling. I received your box of 27th Jan it was very fine and great to think you all made them, the mail is not coming very good these days

[written in upper right corner of new page: “these little pieces of stone or chalk are from out of the line hope you get them alright”]

it will be great when I can give you the glad hand and it is nearly time they called it off Von said the – U life, was something I would not stand well it would be a picnic, is Von in town yet Heith who worked for Grumets is in the four Div. and his brother is with us, he wants me to write him have been out buying some eggs and fruit which takes some change do not put any more sugar in the boxes it falls out, cake or jelled meat or (chicken [?]) would be O.K we can buy cans of cocoa part for drinking our folks could have fixed a box or so;

[written in upper right corner of new page: “these cards are good to get out here we never see anything of these out here”]

thoes dates were fine tell M and the boys, and carried alright got hard the pepermints put me in mind of some we made once before I think some one is sending a pair of sox wish they were here it is wet underfoot will be moving out of here soon by the looks of things, tell Don Stan and M to write if they feel like it and not to if they don’t Jack has a birthday this month will try and send something home will close with love and kisses

Your old man

 [added at top of first page, date/author unknown: “St. Eloi”]

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