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Date: February 28th 1917
Stanley Gullen - (son)
Roy Gullen

Feb 28/17
Pte WR Gullen
I Can. Batt 1917

Dear Don.

Have just had our soup dinner, will try and write a little before we get called out have not had a letter this week the mail has been held up in England somehow Your last letter was great hope you make a good dish out of the brown one, would like to help you get it ready, do you remember us getting the ones out West, have been able to get some peaches and milk from the little store but they are very high 60¢ a can raspberrys are the same we are very glad to get them at that

If you can all get your picture taken again would like to get one this one is nearly spoilt I thought I lost it once, my it was great to find it again I am looking at it often have it in front of me now tell M to open her eyes a little more will be great to see how you have grown and to see Ivan’s your are good boy to write letters to me when you have never did much of it Stanley’s letters are fine ones I have one of his and yours here now hope this thing ends so I can get over their this summer and sell something will close with love and kisses

Your dad

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