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Date: January 19th 1917
Fred & Agnes Gullen - (brother & sister-in-law)
Roy Gullen

Jan 19/17

Dear Fred and Agnes

Just read your letter Dec 17th the mail at this time of year is mostly old ones glad to get them any time you seem to keep posted on the war news by the tone of your letter we have been out of the line a month to day will start marching to morrow the paper has a little better look these days will write again while away we have about two inches of snow these days on the ground hope it keeps hard for tomorrow

It was Nellie and not Jean who stayed with Mary. If the French Canadians had helpt more we would not have to go in so often I have wrote quite a few poor letters but have not been as much use as they mite have been I do not feel like writing very good letters these kind of times have been in twice sixteen days each this time will be eight I think you will have more than 9 letters by now we are not going South as you thought I hope to get a letter from Mary to night I had a good one from Don and her the other day but an old one will close now with best wishes your loving brother


[added at top of first page, date/author unknown: “14”; “Recd Feb 14/17 Wed.”]


[Editor’s note: Dot code used by Gullen to secretly indicate his location. Characters that were marked in the letter with dots underneath them have been indicated in the transcription with an underline. Written together (space inserted) they spell out “vimmy ridge”.]

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