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Date: January 2nd 1917
Mary Gullen - (wife & children)
Roy Gullen


Dear Wife and Boys and Girls

Have been thinking about you all lately have been over a great amount of country to see if I could get some one to get me a different place. will know in a few days if it is any good how have you all spent the holidays I got another Parcel from F and G after Xmas wishing me a Merry Xmas hope you all got lots of good things I wish you would say just when you have writen every time you write and I will do the same but from now on writing makes me feel more sick, if I happen not to be able to receive your letters will have them returned I may get a job over here for 2 or 3 years who knows but will never go back to Canada but to the country the boys are it is going to be just as I said home about rushes from now on will write you again soon you write what you think

We are formed for thoes rushes I said would be used in the end we will be the ones alright but they do not do much at that I am writing in a carpenter shop which makes some caskets I believe a patient on wooden shoes over there would be alright at $1 a pair wooden soles and patient leather slipper tops and caskets a few cheap ones might be sold. I see they use citron Juice to sweeten drinks with over here we could have made hundreds of gallons of that stuff thoes years put it in wooden barrels put directions on the lable I wish we had moved to the boys Country last spring instead of getting in this it is quite a thought what to do when I get out of this, but I can make something or find stuff to make money out of we must try and pull at the same thing if our thoughts are not quite the same on the subject

they have a great deal different over here than we do latrine is all open for men’s use in open street any old place in front of everyone wish I was out of it I saw hundreds of fritz yesterday going to work in coal mines they take them in auto buses as a bunch is going in another is coming out these farmers live in the towns no farmer houses in the contry so the villages are quite close they have lots of hens and pigs some cattle in stables not many out some have a small field to turn cattle in but not many have they stack the grain in small round about the size of a high wagon wheel and fix a good top on which look very good no fences makes the country look a little like the west only for the trees I would like to go out there soon again for a trip when I get home I will be so glad to be with the little fellows will carry them around on my back and shoulders all the time I am with them I will be glad when I can get near them to carry and dress or clean their shoes once again it is almost time I apreacerated them better and had a fixed income or buisness, I hope you put my name and no. then first Batt france bef I have to put the adress in this way you must have got my adress before this I have only had yours of Nov 10, 12 and Nov 30 but that is quite good get Don to mail something often I am anxious for letters of yours I think the world has done itself up for food terrably it will be dear for you folks you must use all of the money and do not go without anything will write often I write every week anyway glad their is a way to tell you a word now and then and get a word from you it will be a great joy to start and a greater one to get their and I hope in two or three weeks

yours affectionately

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