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Date: December 22nd 1916
Mariette, James & Irene Gullen - (parents & sister)
Roy Gullen

Dec 22/16

My Dear Mother and Father and Irene

I got your letter of Oct 9 to day which was very glad to receive we will never be able to repay you for all the kindness you have showerd on us so glad to hear Mary has done as well as she has, I also got a lettler of Geos Sept. 22 a little old but good to get and read we move often which makes it bad for getting mail, there is two or three big sacks of it in now may get one from you folks tomorrow, the last was the 12th Nov. my it will be good to see you all soon pray it may be so Geo’s letter was quite newsy it had one picture of his church in it and about Mrs Fountain she is looking a head some the picture you make of home makes me very homesick glad it was as good a picture as you wrote but the mountain of work is terrable how she is getting over it is a wonder we will be here for twenty days we were lucky getting out when we did it has been raining ever since very good trip in just a few gone I may have a different job before long will see you someday I pray so seven little Kiddies ought to be helpt we will get a little money tomorrow will not be able to send any home this time, if I do not write again very often do not be disapointed for I will write or send word with Joe for you will here from me alright I have done my bit in this struggle right next to the fritz’s what ever comes or goes when I have so many at home thoes people saying do your bit for your homes are not over here I am not glad I ever saw this country will not talk about it anytime the boys will say dad I am mad to think you ever went Don told me not to go in but I could not help it, the pair of socks Agnes made me are great but to thick for my shoes but I put them on at night after six they are white wool very warm I put another pair over them to keep them clean which makes good to sit around in, I am getting a new pair of large shoes so I can wear large warm socks, will be glad to get a letter from home tomorrow will regester these three letters they go quicker lots of love and kisses

Your old son


[Editor’s note: Dot code used by Gullen to secretly indicate his location. Characters that were clearly marked in the letter with dots underneath them have been indicated in the transcription with an underline. Written together they spell “Deval” (likely a spelling error with intent to identify Diéval, France).]

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