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Date: December 21st 1916
Fred Gullen - (brother)
Roy Gullen

Thurs Dec 21/16

I have had these other pages in my pocket with some tablets which have spoted them we have marched back to town ten miles it is just the first B. my co. is d thirteen platoon we stayed in the town one night which we stoped last time for eight days we will be training every day untill we go up in the line again I wish the people at home could get a letter from me the next day it is written, these socks are great and warm, we have had just had a little snow which melted as it fell it is colder now the mud is very cold it stings we have not had any mail for a few days but a large load of it is in down town we will not start back untill [?] fifteenth hope it does not last much longer how you come to think about next [year?] I do not know we are all filled up now glad to be training write soon your

Brother Roy


[Editor’s note: Dot code used by Gullen to secretly indicate his location. Characters that were clearly marked in the letter with dots underneath them have been indicated in the transcription with an underline. Written together they spell “Deval” (likely a spelling error with intent to identify Diéval, France).]

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