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Date: December 17th 1916
Mary Gullen - (wife)
Roy Gullen

Dec 17/16

Dearest Girl

I received Freds box a dandy last night home made cakes or Biskets with fruit senters a pair of Gloves and mits we are in for three days yet some noise I tell you if Our Father will let me return to you I will be the most thankful fellow you ever saw, my your letters are great treats dear honey fritz is in so deep you can not move him I have out in a hole next to his big as an acre which our fellow put off three weeks gone I was out there for two nights he is hiting very heavy to day our fellows always start him worse everyplace they go pray Father to have it come to settlement at once sweet girl I can not thank you enough for all you have done while we have lived together Our Father may have it so I get back to you all the next five weeks will show the world war is no good thoes letters you wrote me were great to read over and over again I do not deserve them but I hope will be able to work for that dandy bunch soon hope Freds can send some tablets for throat and dampness I can not write many different people but will write Geo Earl and Lloyd in one Geo has not wrote as many as he should wish you to write your feelings about me leaving you like this, it is all over the quarles of two little cousins saying I have got more than you have causing madness if it would end tomorrow they would never go at it again I hope will get one of you dandy soon it is hard for you to get time you would not know me if you saw me it is so damp here

I am very sorry I have made this part of our life so misserable did not know anything could be like it tell our folks it is awful to have a son like me but tell them I love them sorry for all I have done and left undone may our Father forgive me my big pile of mistakes the dandy boys that are over here do not all think like me I tell them a little once in a while Joe is glad I talk about these things I am sorry I did not talk more to some before it was to late but what we know not now we will know again pray for me and I will for you all I feel that some or lot of people are praying for me my I want to be some good I feel so poor so useless tell my boys to rember about these lives to come or my dear girl I wish I could take your load for you dear dear Mother God bless you forever tell the little folks to put some markes or something in a letter for dad bye bye you little loves may a higher power take hold of us all kisses and love


P.S. We will be out for a few weeks for training I will have to go on musketry I here but hope it will last untill it is all over

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