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Date: November 28th 1916
Mary Gullen - (wife)
Roy Gullen

Nov 28/16

Dear little Mother of 5x2

Was so glad to get two letters 26th Ocotbers 1st Nov Yours of the 16th Oct and Margurite and [Stanly?] hope you have money to put you through they are keeping more than 5$ we are back in a Village again had to do some jumping to but got out all O.K will have a rest for 8 days, young Gillon is not with us he is too young I think will be kept back at the base Think you did the best going to H wish I had been with you will not leave you again would like to see you soon. hope I am lucky to get home by spring we go a different place next time I have kept well got some mits with strong boots up to the hips sheep skin coat street hat wish you could see me in full dress, hope this ends by Feb. would like to get in business by spring we have not been paid this time yet. thank you for the parcel you are sending hope it gets here safe I have a fellow with me all the time from home his name is Goyit he sleeps with me is great company big and fat makes every body laugh we are trying be snipers he is a great shot we shot a fritz who was [standed?] full height but no one but I hope you do not over do yourself this winter the boys can do the dishes M. can do the floors somehow sorry you had to pay taxes will try and send some money to you soon glad you got to the H O.K hope you got good care Stan glad you got your bunny again that was a great letter for a little boy Marguerite you are a dandy little lady to think about dad those little dutch girls made the boys laugh tell Don to try next to say Halo to dad hope he helps Mother

Night Nov 28/[16?]
I here fritz put up a mine just where we came out of just the next night, I felt as if there might have something for tunels could easy be [put?] in there we got 20 frances tonight we have to buy our own light and candles are very dear in the holes at trenches it takes a lot we were down in a thirty step one it was on of those which went up we could here the noise here about 9 miles away I hope we are lucky every time, I can not find a very good place to write but will take more paines I wish I could phone you every day I wish could see you all for a minute little Ruth must be getting very much different already take good care of yourselves I feel sure we will be together again and no war will ever take me again tell our folks they are just great to come in this way and look after things I wish you were getting more money we may get 45 frances soon I will send 1 D$ to you every little on write lots of love for years to come dearies


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