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Date: October 11th 1916
James & Mariette Gullen - (parents)
Roy Gullen

French Camp
Oct 11/16

Dear Mother and Father

We got in France this morn we will be in the Base for two weeks or so no place to write here, but will try and tell you something, things go fast and furious here had rifels thoughed at us in the rush [M?].O inspection and blankets and tents given us I was told to go to hospital for the rash on my arms and legs but the head M.O fixed me up some stuff so I did not go, it was very rough on the boat last night but I slept some just had a headach hope you are all well, it will be some time before we get to the front they seem to be getting tired of fighting, they hold up their hands and say Mercy Comrade, but it is bad yet will just trust in God and keep my powder dry it is getting to dark

Your loving son

[added on back of page (note: the written original includes many crossed out parts):]
1st Batt
B.E.F. France
We are going in the 1st Batt. over here, you will put my old number 772521 and Army, France
1 Batt
B.E.F France

[bottom of page includes unknown signature (presumably that of the censoring officer) dated “Oct. 11 1916,”]

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