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Date: September 20th 1916
Mary & Marguerite Gullen- (wife & daughter)
Roy Gullen

WR Gullen
Sept 20/16

Dear Mary and Marguerite

You folk will have quite a few letters from me by this time why couldnt you have written a letter or two more I do look for letters, I asked you to write more in Bordon, here in this place more than ever, We are getting in shape to be in France in 4 weeks and be in the trenches in 5 weeks, this job that I have my name in for, has not been called [out?] yet but I here 11 men have gone from the 103 B I have had sores under my arms and legs for a few days which smart so I am smart in some things, having musketry put to us very strong these days some of the boys from [Paris?] had word about Fraser a week or so before, it will be a heavy time for your cousin Mary, it is a shame how dear living is getting over there even I will try and go to London again in 3 weeks or so for my next leave would like to see thoes 3 hundred foot airships they have just built, I wish you would open up and say what you think of the War and Me and how you would like things to work out, these officers want to show what they can do with a bunch of men and get back home quick, I want to get home I do not want to be pushing up the Daisies and let the kidds get kicked around by other folks, I can kick just as good, hope I get another letter soon, Marguerite that was a great letter a peach you and the other make up a lot to put in another


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