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Date: September 14th 1916
Mary Gullen - (wife & children)
Roy Gullen


Dear Bunch

I will talk some on this for a minute it is very cold, got on my underpants suit sweater, we were up on out Post duty last night untill 10 P. m had 10m to make beds, got up at 5.30am fall out for roll call, then fold blankets they are folded long ways twice then one the other then all bundled up just so to put the rubber around them the straw pillow is rolled up in the straw tick then the blankets sit up on top of them then shine shoes rub and polish buttons shave wash comb hair get something to eat if you can change cloths put on Putties to fall in on time for call if not crime put in we will make quick change stage acters soon change change all the time Was looking for a letter from Mar. but in two more days I suppose will get one I got your letter late Mon. night. have had dinner will try and get this off for 7o’ I havent a stamp but will try and get one

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