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Date: October 1916
Hillyard Leech
Major Walter B. Caswell

[Editor’s note: While the statement below is undated, October 1916 seems the earliest plausible date of origin and has been used here for continuity purposes within the collection. It may well have been composed sometime considerably later.]


1st CMR     
Major Caswell

Reached Albert, abt noon of the 12th Sept. 1916, at what is called the Brickfields or Brickworks, just [?] 1 North of the places on map marked Brickworks, [sconst?] go into town Marched from there through Albert on Bapume Rd to Laboisselle, followed the Laboisselle Rd to Bailiff wood, from there to Chalkpits, reaching there abt 7 oclock in afternoon 12, Stayed there till 6 PM of the 13th. From there C.Co went to [Foms Cut?], Btn H.Q., [?] Cemetry, Posiere, in a deep German dug out A and B were in front lines at [?] opp Moquet farm. C Co’s position 33b. 84d. to 48d. on night of 13.

At 2 AM on morning of 15 C moved up to front line, map position, 33b  81 to 27d91 This was point we attacked from. Hart fell about [25?] yards in front of 91 (NW from 91) this was in a battered up German Trench, we had gone over our trench and got that far, we were going out of that trench when he was hit. I had just gone over, Hart following me. He was not more than 10ˈ away when hit but I did not know it. It was by accident I happened to be near him, we took posession of this sec German trench abt 4. AM. When I got ready I asked [Hart?] if he was ready and he sd yes.

I knew nothing more of him until about half an hour or more when I came back to same place. [?] line we were practically knocked out, and I was told to Hart Leach was wounded (by my batman [Diggle?]) I went over to him it was between 7 and 8 AM. I knew he was going. He was in bad pain. He sd he was in bad pain. I gave him some morphine. He was on a lying stretcher and first aid men were trying to get him out but trench was so shallow they had to leave him. The 1st aid man was [?]. I was 25 yds away I saw shell burst right over their head, killing 2 men, wounding Capt Cameron and the first aid man Marshall. I came up and spoke to Hart, What is the time he said the luck sure is breaking bad for me today. I

I had to go away again and when I came back he was dead

The first wound went through digonally an abdominal wound

Hart put on his celuloid brown  heavy rimmed glasses. He called for them when wounded to relieve his eyes. The glasses were on his him when buried. I left them on him. He had on his batmans coat and officers trousers. I do not remember what belt Hart had on but he must have had something to hold revolver

[written list enclosed on a separate page:]

Officers of 1st C.M.R.
On Sept 15/16

O.C. Lt. Col Andros
2nd in Command Major Laws
Quarter Master
Pay Master Fred Roblin

Capt G H Bradbrook
Capt Fred Simpson (acting as Lieut)
Lieut O’Regan
Lieut O.S. Pierce (killed)
Lieut  Vernon Robinson (wounded)

Capt Thompson (killed)
Capt Cameron (wounded in arm)
Lieut Bob Rice (killed shrapnell in head)
Lieut Boswell Roche (killed was up on paripet trying to stop his men shooting our own men out in front either C. or D. Co. machine gun bullet of enemy had no notice that  these men were being sent there
Lieut Jack Bethume, wounded in shoulder

Major Caswell
Cap Kenall (killed on 20th Sept 16
Lieut Hart Leech (killed machine gun and after shrapnell)
Lieut Chas Frazer (not [?].[?].[?].[?]
Lieut Stuart (wounded in arm
Lieut McNiel (was sent up but killed in dead mans valley going up

Maj. John French
Lieut McMillans (wounded in shoulder
Lieut Casey (Killed Bullet
Lieut J.E. Foster

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