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Date: September 3rd 1917
Hillyard Leech
Lieut H.J.G. Morgan

Statement of Lieut H.J.G. Morgan
given [to?] officer of Lieut Leech [?] Sept 3/17

Belong to 8th Machine Gun Co. (8th Brigade.) Was with of 1st C.M.R. on June [2nd?] when they got knocked out.

Was with Hart in the 61st at Sewel and went over in draft. I was transferred from 1. C.M.R. to Machine Gun .Co in March. Saw Hart in France at a lecture at Steenvoorde near Mount Cassell I used to see Hart frequently right up to time of his death. He was very popular. He always a popular boy.

On the morning of the 15. after going in the night before we made our attack, my Co was supporting 1st C.M.R. Our objective was to take Moquet farm This was a most strongly fortified point and key to the taking of Corcellett. It was a regular redoubt a maize of tunnels and dug out. I would compare it to a rabbit run and was bristling with machine guns. This place had to be taken That was the orders. The Australians had previously made four attacks and failed. The British also failed, we relieved the Australians I was talking to Hart the night before the battle and half an hour before going over I was talking with Hart and Bob Rice in a little Communication trench beyond the quarry. The conversation was genial, Hart was jovial as usual. We were just waiting for the time to go over. There was no nervousness or excitement, Hart had his men all in position and was laughing, very cool and collected.

I next saw him wounded on a stretcher. I could not judge the time no one can in the thick of a fight. Hart was being carried in the open over the shell holes (every foot of ground was shell hole that is torn up by shell) There were two stretcher bearers, I do not know whom they were I was about 50 feet away when shell burst either on or right beside stretcher, blowing the three men up. The bodies were left in a mangled heap. All torn and there was no movement in any of them. They were not in a trench. We were in German territory that is captured ground when Hart was hit. I think at the time we had taken the second German line trenches.

I had to go on so saw nothing of Hart afterwards, I am absolutely sure Hart never spoke afterwards and never knew what hit him.

I think he was first wounded by machine gun, when I saw Hart on stretcher he turned his head towards me, so I recognized him, that was a few seconds before shell landed.

Address of [Mrs?] Morgan
119 Lipton St W’p’g

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