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Date: April 7th 1943
Helen Witt - (wife)
Ernest Witt

R 122119 Sgt Witt E
Sqdn 405

Dear Helen,

I last wrote on the 27th of March. Since then the chief thing we have done is to go back to the other station, living in the mansion – for a few days and pick up a new skipper, then come back here. While there we flew on some cross countries by way of practice, and now we await the new skipper’s second pilot trips, after which we start on the real job. It has taken long enough to become operational as it is. Many of my old pals have 10-15 trips already while we as a crew are just starting.

The new skipper is a P/O from Windsor, and seems a nice chap. He is quiet and well mannered, and appears to be the cool type, though we’ll find out more when we get into our first spot of trouble. We had a few tight ones with old Jack and we came to rely on him, but I think the new one will measure up quite well. No word from Jack yet, though I shant be surprised if he is a prisoner of war.

I got your letter of Feb 21st. Thanks for the clippings. I’ll try and drop Mary D. a letter. I find it difficult to settle down to write, what with moving around, back and forth etc. So glad the little man and Terry get along so well. I guess they are becoming quite the boys. I’d love to hear Brian talking.

I hope you got my letter telling you all about my leave in London. We should get leave again in a month’s time. It’s a seven day week we work on here, so the leave should come fairly regularly. I don’t know how I’ll spend my next, unless I go to Scotland. Dad and Mother seem to be getting along quite well, and looking forward to seeing you and B. Have you seen Mrs [?] yet? The [Culberts?] out in Van had Dad and Mother in for dinner which was nice of them. Del. is still in Canada.

Well darling I must get this away now. Love to everyone, and especially you and the little man. I’ll be as careful as I can but Happy Valley is no picnic spot.


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