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Date: March 5th 1945
Jennie Lightbody - (sister)
Alexander Lightbody

430 Squadron
RCAF Overseas
March 5, 1945

Hiya Buck,

The worm hasn’t turned yet And since I’ve been broke since I came back from leave I’ve been keeping out of the card and crap games. How is your gin rummy coming along.

Haven’t seen a basketball game since I’ve been over here. It just isn’t played here old top old thing.

Jeannie and I had a wizard weeks leave. Went up to old London town most nights. And right now I’m here to tear a strip off you for telling tales to her out of school. And if she shoots the breeze to you about my blunders in the blackout again she’s for it.

Will you do me another favour and send her a couple of pairs of silk stockings size 9. A pair of those you-probably-know-what-kind and I don’t mean the thick kind they get over here. You see, she’s got a birthday coming up soon, so get some real zoot ones eh?

Hows the yaller swatter coming along. You must be getting quite a sweater girl. Wov Wov.

You should have heard what Jeannie said when I showed her your picture. “All that meat an no potatoes!”

Cheerio fatstuff.

P.S. Make sheer they’re sure.

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