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Date: July 15th 1916
Ellen Burnett - (wife)
Francis Burnett

July 15 1916

Dear Kid

You must not expect to get more than one letter a week because it takes quite a while before I get your letters of course I get them all, but they maybe be in the brigade post office two days before I get them and then I get two at a time because their is an awful lot of men up here. Well I got the five allright also this one thanks ever so much for it comes in handy also got running shoes and tooth paste fit fine just got them today glad to get them. Say dont be disappointed about me not getting down on the twelfth because I couldn’t but I have put in a pass from the second of august until the twelfth that is ten days and I think I will get it maybe not just them days because I have to take my turn with all the rest in getting leave, but I sure will be down in August so expect me anytime after the first of the month and then we will have a good time. I wrote to Bert the other day I guess he will answer it allright. Don’t go down their to Davis place because the harvest is coming on that’s what they want anyhow I would not let you go now because Im coming home and think of what you would miss that night, I have to do some tall saving to get down but Ill make it allright. Tell granny Carr that Ill talk to Jack when I go down he aint going to spoil Maggie’s life for the want of a hint. Well news is scarse. Well it’s always the same here every day. Kiss little sweetheart for me [group of “x’s” added here with note “for her”] and be good yourself.

Your loving hubby
Frank   Daddy Boy

[note added in corner:] same address

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