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Date: July 18th 1944
Audrey Addison – (friend)
Bill Curtis

July 18/44

[postscript added at top of page: “(NO TELESCOPE NEEDED)”]
My Dearest Audrey:-

Hello darlin, back again for another session with the pen. I received letter no. 73, this morning, sure was glad to get it too as I wanted to write a letter but didn’t have much to say; now, I might be able to fill this up if I write a little larger and have bigger spaces between the lines. Nothing much has happened around here lately – but I finally had my first swim of the year. We had the good fortune to be at a fairly large town and it had an open-air swimming pool: so, an L.C.P.(R.) took us over to it. Ian and Jim were also there and we really had a swell time. The water could have been a little cleaner but we didn’t mind – had a shower when we got back to the ship. I got a little burnt but the next day it had started to tan – not bad eh? I sure am rusty when I try and do a jack-knife – just one big “SPLASH.” The three of us are going to go down there again some Sunday if we can, or else we hope we make a few more stops there, on our way over to France. We had a little excitement the other night; another craft was going by us and in passing just ups and takes our fair lead off which in turn hit a Yank army officer on the legs, breaking both of said legs etc. boy – what a mess. Then a little while later when I was in my bunk, a trawler rammed us a put a pretty good dent in our mess-deck – we now have a little sky-light; convenient wot?? A little bit after that another trawler hit us, putting another dent in our stern. Then we got hit again; I was sure disgusted – no sleep – so I stayed up after that till we got back.

I also received the letter with the clippings of those killed in Vancouver. George must have had quite a show put on for him when the shooting started. Yep I looked up those photos you sent me and they are exactly the same as those in the paper. It was quite thoughtful of that “nut” to bring the war right to Georges front door. I did those two cross-words that were enclosed; they are getting easier all the time. Took me about fifteen minutes to do the both of them. Sure hope you had a good time at the “Pygmy” last night. I hope to take you to the next big dance they have there, but I guess it won’t be Louis Armstrong – worst luck –.

Well my darling, getting close to the end of this so had better close for now. Give my love to all the family. Say hello to the gang. “Cheerio” honey – miss and love you more than ever

All my love and Millions of Kisses
Xxxx Bill Xxxxxx

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