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Date: January 11th 1944
Audrey Addison – (friend)
Bill Curtis

Jan 11/44

My Dearest Audrey:–

Hello darlin, here I be again. Haven’t had any letters since the 3rd but am expecting some this week, I hope. I sure miss your letters dear but when I do get them I’m the happiest guy in camp. Are you receiving my letters O.K.? How long does it take for them to reach you? I sure hope you get them in short time cause I don’t want you to think that I’m not writing. I write whenever I can hon and even though there isn’t much in them, it is another way to tell you how much I love you and believe me darling I sure miss you and the good times we had.

I received my first parcel from Mom yesterday. It took just a couple of days under two months to get here which isn’t too bad. They sent 280 cigs, chocolate bars, cookies, gum, dates peanetts, (no popcorn) and also my cigarette lighters. I was beginning to think the parcel had gone astray some place so you can imagine how I felt when I received it. Mom put a bar of Ivory soap in it and now the cookies and bars have a flavour all their own. The odor of the soap even went through the peanut shells, but I don’t mind, I’ve ate things that taste even worse than a little soap. Some of the food that is passed out here is a perfect sample of it.

How are you coming with your ice-skating? Had many falls lately? Just remember to take it easy honey, I want you in one piece when I get back. A few of us are planning on going down to Ayre this Sat. and go ice skating if we can get the skates. We are also going to have our fortunes told. I’ll bet you know what the out-come is. If I can manage it I’ll be going up to see your Cousin in Glasgow a week from this Sat the 22nd. By golly I should be getting a letter from her pretty soon; I wrote to her a week ago and it only takes a day or less for a letter to reach me from there. Well darling I hope you are feeling O.K. and not have a continuous cold like mine. How is your mum and dad? Give them my regards as always. Say hello to “Muggie” and Lew, and don’t forget the little one; I mean Brenda of course. Say hello to Lorna, Burnie and the boys on the island. Well darling this is about all for now so will close. Hope you don’t mind me saying that I love you very much “Cheerio”

All my Love and Kisses
xxxx Bill xxxx

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