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Date: 1914

Jan. 13, 1914
The coldest day in Toronto since 1885, being 36 below zero at Lambton Mills. Put on heavy underwear.

Jan. 14
Street car service on the bum, had to wait about 10 minutes for car and was darn near frozen when I landed at the office.

April 27
Worked tonight from 6.00 to 9.00 in order to have Wed. May 6th off to go to opening Ball Game.

May 1
Ordered a new suit from Lorne Coates - $31.00 with 1 pair extra trousers, regular price $25.00.

May 4
Office hours changed from 8.30 till 5.30 to 8.00 to 5.00 pm and from 8.00 to 1200 on Saturday.

May 6
Paddled up the Humber with Ed Tomkins, met Bill and Vera White up there. It started to rain and we came back and shot 5 games of pool in the new pool room at the Humber. I stuck Tommy for the whole five.
Received an increase of 5.00 per month at the end of July/14
Germany declared war on England, August 4, 1914. There are many nations involved and it promises to be the biggest war in history.
The sides:
England           )
France             )                                               (           Germany
Russia              )                       against             (                and
Belgium           )                                               (             Austria
Servia              )
 Japan              )
Toronto is the scene of many activities, the local militia awaiting orders, and the crowds around the newspaper bulletins till far into the night. The majority of the principal cables in Europe are cut and, although there are six extras issued here daily, news is scarce. The city has been in an uproar for about a week and everyone is patiently awaiting news of the great sea battle that is reported to be going on in the North Sea.

Aug. 27
News still very scarce but the allies are reported to be holding their own.

Sept. 5
(Saturday) Nora wedded to Ernest Luther Patchet. I gave Nora away and was told that I did it beautifully.
They left for New York City immediately after the ceremony. I also left by Radial car for Long Branch where I met Bill Lynch and Dan in the Bachelor. We left Long Branch early Saturday evening under the engine and arrived in Oakville late that night. We tied to the pier but, as there was quite a slop, we had to bring the boat right through the channel into Sixteen Mile Creek. We were there a few hours but a storm carne up and the swells corning through the channel caused the boat to drag her anchor and we found ourselves aground. We soon got her off, however, and starting her engine we ran up the creek and landed on the bank next to Capt. Andrews Boat Building Factory. We had dinner in Oakville and left about 2.00 o'clock for Hamilton. Arrived in Burlington just about 6.30 pm. Tied to pier. Met Mina Carter, Daisy Searle, Lily Greene and Marguerite Searle. Took them out for ride. Slept at Burlington and left for Toronto Monday (Labour Day) at noon. As there was a regular gale blowing from the North West, we only put up our jib and sailed nearly all the way under the jib and engine. Arrived Toronto about 5.15 and all expressed their feeling in regard to the trip. We all voted an absolute success.

Oct. 3
(Saturday) Dan, Bill and I sailed to the Humber in the Bachelor. We anchored at the mouth and rowed the pup up thru the fleet. Also went thru the Ramses II, large 50 footer that is hauled up at Hicks for the winter. She belongs to Architect Simpson and is sure a dandy boat. She has a 4 cylinder Buffalo Engine and eats up 5 gal an hour. She is capable of 10 miles per hour. We shot 2 games of pool at Devins, Dan getting stuck for 1 and Bill for the other. We then had supper at Newtons Hotel: Fish, French Fried Potatoes, Tea, fruit Cake, Apple Pie and Ice Cream. Price 50 cents.

Oct. 17
Stripped Romp for the season, hauled her up on the derrick and 14 of lifted her across the street and deposited her next to the watchman's shack. Bill Lynch also stripped the Bachelor but did not take her out of the water. Received a new desk from Mr. Wheeler. Formerly belonged to Gus Arlidyce.

Oct. 26
First snow flurry of the season. Did not amount to much.

Oct. 27
Going to Nora's for Tea. Expect Winnie H. & Mildred H. will be there also.

Nov. 10
Germman cruiser Emden sunk in Indian Ocean by Australian cruiser Sydney. The Emden has done more to worry peaceful British commerce than any of the other enemy boats. In the three months that the war has been in operation she has sunk or captured 24 vessels including cruisers of the French and Russians. The value of the ships sunk is estimated at $10,000,000 not including cargo.

Nov. 16
All city regiments notified to be at armories at 2.30 this afternoon. As soon as notified the men had to rush home from their employment, don their uniforms and hustle to the armouries. The sight of men lacing their boots and putting on their uniforms on the street cars caused much alarm among the general public and rumour had it that the Germans were on their way from Detroit to invade Canada.
Bought new overcoat on Yonge st. Friday the 13th of November. Cost $10.50; Regular price $23.50. Bailiff's sale accounts for reduction.

Nov. 17
Very cold today and heavy snow flurries..

Nov. 22
Billy Sunday lectured in Toronto this afternoon & evening. He lived up to his name for slang and "pep". His presence was obtained by "The Committee of One Hundred" which consists of 100 prominent men who are endeavouring to have Ontario "dry" by next Dominion Day, July 1/15. Worked "night" work in the office on Special Intrastate Minn figures, Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1, 2.

Dec. 8
Fred and I went to the arena for a skate. This was first skate of season and I got along OK

Dec. 9
Nora's dog bit our kitten in the face. Veterinary says cat will get well again. Edie's birthday. Nora & Ernie & Mabel over for tea. Had nice time.

Dec. 9
It snowed all day today and might be called the first real snow fall this season.
Lent Fred Hutchins two books: The Royalist Brothers and The Varment. Also gave him a pair of hockey boots. Edie's birthday today. Gave her Parisian Ivory Brush & Comb.

Dec. 11
Skated on Grenadier Pond all afternoon. Ice quite smooth and wind strong. Ice about 3 in. thick.

Dec. 13
Winter started in with a vengeance today. It snowed continually from 11.00am till sometime after midnight.

Dec. 14
Turned colder today and snowed a little more. There is plenty of snow on the streets and lots of sleighs.

Dec. 15
It is colder yet and is by far the coldest day year.

Dec. 20
(Sunday) Inspected G. B. Rogers house, Indian Rd. Cresc. and Conduit St. and found following reasons why I would not wish to live there. In the lower hall on the Indian Rd. Cresc. side of the house the wall paper is peeling off and the wall stained due to leak somewhere in the roof. In the front bedroom closet the wall is stained due to leaky roof. In the bathroom the "Pressure Tank" leaks in a number of places and it is necessary to keep tins and saucers on the floor to catch the water. Although there was a bright fire in the furnace, the radiators were barley warm and Mr. Rogers informed me that during the previous very cold day the house was impossible to heat.

Christmas Day
The weather is exactly as it should be, clear and very cold. We had dinner alone but for tea Nora
and Ernie came up. Mrs. Swan, Mabel, Clara and Nellie came over in the evening. I went back to Nora's with them and stayed over Saturday and Sunday. Had a very nice time. I believe the presents I gave different people cost far more than the presents I received but such is life. 


[Editor’s note: The diary transcriptions (including transcription annotations) have been provided by the collection donor.]
