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Date: October 24th 1944
Mother - (Florence Grace Gray)
John Teaton Gray

A/B John. T. Gray
V50267 HMCS Huron
c/o F.M.O. Halifax

Dear Mother;

I have been back aboard ship for three days now and I have a general idea of what is going to happen to me. I expect to stay on this ship as far as I know now. You probably know what that means. I think I told you before I left.

As far as I know I will spend this Christmas where I spent the last one. Time will tell.

I looked up Ted Jarvis in St. John. He has a very nice wife, and she wasn’t half as hard on him as you thought she was. I asked him how he liked it and he said it was O.K.

I have been expecting you to mail that checque so that I could endorse it and pay daddy the money I owe him. I want to get my debts cleared up and start saving again. I should be able to save quite a lot before I see you again.

After Christmas, I am going to increase my allotment and you can deposit the extra for me. It would be a very good idea if you were to keep about two of the increased allotment checques on hand in the house next year so that if I should need money to come home on a weekend or something, you would only have to make one trip to town instead of two. I wouldn’t have to wait for myself to endorse the cheque either. Theres plenty of time for that though.

Give my regards to all the rest of the family. Tell Huldie and Jeanie that I will write as soon as I can.

If you see Pincombes or Neilsons soon, tell them how it was that I didn’t get around to seeing them again before I left.

I visited Annie Gordon and she was sick in bed. She wants you all to write to her. She won’t be able to come up this fall because she’s sick.

Well I must close now and turn in. Take care of yourself and don’t bother worrying about me. I am fine and well-fed. Good-night.


Don’t forget to answer.


[Editor’s note: The letter was dated from the envelope’s postmark.]

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