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Date: November 22nd 1942
Florence Grace Gray - (John's mother)
Private Phil. H. Pincombe - (Grace's brother)

G50737 Pte. P.H. Pincombe
25th C.F.C. Scotland.
Nov. 22/42

Hello Grace and Family:–

It sure was nice to receive your lovely letter with all the news also that you were able to call into the house and see the folks. It sure would be great for Gerald to have a change but doubt if Hilda would like to take him away from school.

“Join the Navy” and see the world is quite a drawing  card for the young fellows these days but no doubt Bill has whispered a few words to add to it. It is a lucky thing that so many families are like our, all trying to do their we bit.

We can wear any kind of socks as long as they are not to extra heavy for our boots. A lady here has been good enough to knit me 2 prs. of heavy over socks long enough to reach my knees with my long boots. [censored/cut] love to get cigs bars and gum (doublemint) as [censored/cut] are almost impossible to get here. [censored/cut] has given mother a lot of nice [censored/cut] in cans and has helped in a number of [censored/cut] ways to make her happy and enjoy life [censored/cut] she has done a lot of good with her money by helping several of our family but has said nothing about it. These things I know as I was their and on several occasions drove the car.

Jack Riley had some very nice pictures of the birthday party. It is a lovely place.

Had a wonderful time with Aunt Nance and Uncl Wallie also [censored/cut] [vari?]ous other relations the second night there [censored/cut] [a?]re all wonderful and could not [censored/cut] [eno?]ugh for me. Aunt Nance would not let me get up for breakfast always had it in bed. Oh Boy it sure was great.

Bristol has been very hard hit. The beautiful churches have been destroyed, also whole streets layed low, but everyone is in fine spirits.

To-day is “Sunday” we had the threshing machine at the house where I am writing this letter. It reminded me of one of the old time frolics at home. A lot of men and boys came and helped

The lady lives alone and has 12 acres 1 cow and lots of hens also lots of eggs. These are very scarce over here but shore gives my chum and I lots of good feeds. We can always stand lots to eat.

Well, Grace, space is running low so will close with love and kisses to all write often.


Hope you are all feeling well and keeping fit. P.H.P.
Had a great letter from [?] she is doing fine. P.H.P.

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