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Date: August 20th 1916

Aug. 20/16

Dear Hazel -

Am writing this about 7 am from somewhere in New Brunswick I think we have been having a fine trip although it is rather slow travelling on a troop train The scenery is grand. I really did not know that Canada was so large and so beautiful before.

We left C B about 3.30 pm on Friday and got into Toronto about 7. The trip from Toronto to Montreal was made in the night so I can't tell much about the country and towns that we passed thru.

From Montreal the scenery was great everyone talks French and the houses are low one story buildings. The farmers draw in grain with one horse and a two wheeled cart. Some system all right. The farms are all long and narrow and the houses are very close to each other just like a village all along the road. In every little place there is a grand church Catholic of course

We passed over the big bridge at Montreal It certainly is along one. There are all kinds of rivers around here and lots of big waterfalls The water is rotten kind of a reddish colour. The people all draw their water by a windlass and seem about 200 years behind the times. I am glad that I was able to see Quebec or at least part of it. If I am able to would like nothing better than to come back here on a trip sometime I am sure you would enjoy it.

I don't know when we will get to Halifax we still have about 450 miles to go and the trains are awfully slow. There are ten battalions going all at once and each batt takes two trains and we are all on a single track railway - the Intercolonial. you can see that we cant get there very fast. We have good coaches and dandy meals on the train

I am rather sorry that I didn't see you when I was home but I suppose it was just as well as we said good by twice and that should satisfy us shouldn't it

I am sorry I haven't any decent paper but they promised to supply us with paper and envelopes on the train but so far haven't shown up. The YMCA supply us with checkers etc to play on the train and we have a pretty good time. We are going over with A Coy as they have too many in the SS and are only allowed to take so many men across. I guess you had better address any mail to A Coy until I advise you differently. I haven't had a letter from you in 11 days now and thought you must have forgotten me but I am sure you haven't.

Well Hazel I may not write again until we get to England but perhaps I will write tomorrow if we are not off the train by then.

Address pte J Mcarthur 802588
135 BN A Coy
Army post office
London England

With loads of love

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