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Date: October 13th 1915
Mrs. Lee Farris (sister)
Ralph Gale

Caesar’s Camp, Eng.
Oct 13th 1915

Dear Sister:-

I received those very very welcome letter from you and the kids and appreciated them very much. I would like to write to Harry and Muriel but let them consider this letter for them as well as you Tell Muriel she is a dandy little letter writer and I shall certainly answer hers in a separate letter as soon as I get time

I cant write much news in this letter as I hear our letters are being censored and any rate although I might write a long letter I shall wait and tell you everything when I go back then it will be new and interesting

Our Camp is in a very pretty spot much nicer than the one we had when we first came here and notice the heading of the letter and remember your history you can guess how it got its name

Harry said he would like to be a soldier well I guess most boys have that ambition I myself would not think of being a civilian during the present crisis

I saw by the St John papers when John has an appointment in the 64th and where more Battalions are being recruited in the Maritime provinces so I guess we need not be anyways ashamed of N.B.

It is getting rainy and wet here now very much like April at home only we have no frost.

You must be glad to have Mr and Mrs Sharp back again I guess there is no place like N.B. after all I have seen a few very pretty places here but would think of wanting to live here.

We had another man killed here last Saturday night. He fell from a window while on pass

I have not time to write a long letter tell Lee to write. Write soon

Love to All
Ralph I 111187

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