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Date: August 13th 1918
James Evans

13 . 8 . 18
My dearest girl

Since writing a few hours ago, I have received a parcel & 2 letters from you & one from Frank the latter written on 2 pages of an exercise book, what could easily been put on the corner of a postage stamp.

Your letter describing your trip to Moel Famman was very interesting, of course Eric would be tickled to death to get to the top first, rather funny about the winberries Eric picked, well dearie the winberry pie was mouldy on arrival, the cakes however as usual were lovely, we also enjoyed the cigars after dinner, & the pipe you sent is Tré Bon (Very good) also in honour of the occasion I donned the colar & tie you sent. Bye the bye about a week ago in our travels I met Vanstone he was just getting over a slight wound he had received in the arm not enough to make Blighty on, he was asking for you & the kiddies. So long for now darling fondest love to you & chicks.

Your loving, Jim
