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Date: November 17th 1944
Jean Latham
Frank Latham

FW Latham P/O
Reykjavik (s)
Iceland (c)
R.C.A.F. Overseas
Nov. 17/44

Dearest Darling.-

Hello darling how goes the battle. I was down town yesterday went skating on a lake they have in the middle of town also did some shopping and I got you 3 prs. of stockings and 2 prs of panties with real elastic in the waist also got Barb. a set of underwear hope it fits. I havent mailed it yet because you would never get it before xmas, so I’m waiting till the next plane leaves for Canada and I’ll send it back on that!

I didn’t get up till nearly noon to-day so I have to dash and finish this letter got to go to a lecture this afternoon so good bye for now my love

Love and kisses.

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