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Date: June 9th 1918
Gladys Hornibrook
Harold Hamilton

CFC 117 Coy

Dear Glady’s

I now take the pleasure in answering your kind and ever welcome letter which I received a few day’s ago, and was glad to hear from you.

You were saying Charlie was at Sandling I wish had known he was there when I was in St Martins Plains we went to St. Martin’s Plains from there but I expect he will be in France by this time. I had a letter from Ray Black I am going to see him when I go on leave but I won’t be going until Sept some time to wait yet that is the worst of being in the country we only get a six day’s pass every six month’s but I feel quite contented where I am now and I think I will have a good chance, of getting back to Canada when the war is over. Well I have a job loading here and I like it fine some change after not doing any thing for over two years but I will feel more like working when I get back but it may be some time before it is over yet. Well Glady’s how are all your folks I havent heard from your mother for a quite a while. Well I think I will close hoping those few lines may find you all well as it leave me at present

I remain as ever

Bye bye write soon

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