June 11th 1915
Dear Cousin :-
I am kind of lonesome today, so I am going to write to you, for it appears you wont write.
Well Essie I have gone into the Machine Gun section, so I am under Captain Campbell no more four and five miles from the firing lines.
I think Billie is going to transfer to I hope so.
I hear you had a horse die hard luck.
Well Kiddo I was greatly pleased to get a ten page letter from Gracie, and tell you the truth I answered it, oh she is a dear.
Now Essie how is Willie, tell me for I know you hear from him, you dont need to mind me, for I wont tell you know me.
How is Billie Pinders auto, Gracie said she thought you would have to stick around Billie and get a few rides, but I think you will soon find some fellow or some wise guy will find you.
Have you had any word from Jessie lately I wrote her the other day.
Is there any boys from Orchard in the Second or third Contingent, some great letters Sgt Murphy writes to the paper, he is a cold footed soldier and dont believe all he writes.
Well Essie this is all I can write this time and do write for a letter from you is worth three or four from anybody else I will now close with Love and lots of Love
I remain ever the same.
the same old address