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Date: October 20th 1918
N.R. Robertson

[?] Col. N.R. Robertson,
Commanding 9th Batt. Canadian Engineers,
B.E.F. France.
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In answer to your letter in respect to your cousin, Capt. C.E. Robertson late of this Squadron.

I have looked through all the back records, and whilst it cannot be definitely stated that the grave discovered by you is that of your cousin, it may he regarded as fairly certain.

I have checked the pin-point of the grave and find it almost identical with the place where the machine fell.

The date is also the same.

As regards the number 23858 B.B. No light can be thrown on this, as it in no way resembles the number of the machine or the engine It is difficult to say to what it could refer.

Full particulars of your cousins observer are as follows;/ No. 65251 Sgt. J.F. Carr.

It is regretted that the number of the machine, Engine etc., are not allowed to be stated in writing by a Squadron.

As far as is known no news has been received from the German Flying Corps.

It was officially reported by Anti-Aircraft that his machine was seen to crash in flames having received a direct hit by enemy anti-aircraft.

If any further information should be recived, you will be informed without delay.

(SGD) Lieut, for
Commanding No.11 Squadron, R.A.F.

In the Field,

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