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Date: April 22nd 1917
Dear Ones All

No. 11 Squadron, R.F.C.
B.E.F. France

Dear Ones All,

Mother's letter and one from Ruth, also letters from Maude Creamer and little Gladys, all have arrived during the past week and they all looked mighty good to me. I’ll try to send a short line home every few days to let you know how I am getting along.

This has been a very busy day- it seems as though Sunday was always our busiest day. I have been over Hunland for about five hours today. The first show was at 4.30 a.m. and the second at 10.30. Then I was detailed to go on another stunt at 5.0 p.m. but it was called off. During both our jobs there was nothing much doing- that is as far as we were concerned, though there was lots of action 10,000 feet below us. We saw a few Hun machines in the distance but nothing exciting. Thoroughly annoyed my observer after we had finished our first job by coming down all the way in vertical spirals, alternately right and left. He said he hadn’t had any breakfast and he didn’t like it.

Must go to bed now as I am on another show first thing in the morning. Oh! I almost forgot to say that I was sent as leader of a formation of four machines on a defensive patrol yesterday. Haven’t had enough experience yet to shoulder the responsibility without considerable nervousness. However, it all came out all right.

Heaps of love to each one of you, Dear People. Molly is writing to you regularly now I know and she will give you all the news about herself.

Lovingly yours,

Original Scans

Original Scans
