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Date: February 7th 1918

Ye Old French Club,
18, Sackville Road,

February 7, 1918

Dear Lilian:

I'm a cadet now, not a sergeant. Please remember that when writing. Also, I have no regimental number.

I arrived her last Saturday (2nd). The started the 4th and I've been on the jump ever since. I'm getting accustomed to the work now and can take a little more time off.

This is how we do it. Reveille 6 a.m. and no sleeping five minutes after the bugle blows. Coffee and a few biscuit at 6.15 and physical training from 6.30 to 7. Clean up and wash until 7.45 then breakfast. Drill from 9 to 12.30. One hour is a lecture. Lunch 12.30. Parade 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. sometimes another lecture for half the period. Dinner 5.30 lights out 11 p.m. Day finished.

We have Thursday and Saturday afternoons and Sunday off. Some of our spare time has to be used for writing up notes on the lectures and for cleaning rifles belts bayonets, boots, etc. Everything has to be spotless and shining.

We are quartered in a large hotel that the war department has taken over. I share a room with two more fellows. One 85 & one 25th. We have an open grate and lots of coal so are very comfortable. The grub is good.

I received two letters from you since I came here. I think they were written about the first week in Jan. I also received a long one from Aunt Bessie and shall write her in a few days.

This is a very pretty little town. It is only forty miles from London and is a great summer place. It is very quiet now, but in about five or six weeks it will look up a little. There is a promenade about a quarter of a mile along the sea front, right next to the water.

The "trench club" is run for the cadets and most of us have joined it. Its a good place to read or write, but this is the first evening I've have time to come.

I had quite a bunch of mail from home and have just written them.

I expect to have my cadets uniform in about a week. It is the same as a lieutenant's only we don't wear the stars on the sleeve or shoulder. We also wear a white band on our caps. The uniform is only used for walking out. We drill in our old ones.

I must go back now and finish shining up for tomorrow. Address letters as below.


Cadet C. R. Gass
No. 2 Company
Canadian Training School
Bexhill on Sea

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