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Date: February 14th 1917

Wed. Feb. 14th 1917.

Dear mother: -

Well I got your letter of Jan 21st last Sunday. Did I tell you that I got a parcel on Sat. too with cake & fudge & raisins in it? Yesterday I got a parcel from Luella of candy & cake, a dandy fruit cake that she made herself. One of the boys to a box of minced pasties too & everyone was mouldy. A parcel certainly helps out our meals considerably. I haven’t yet got that $15 but I suppose it takes longer for it to get here than an ordinary letter. Yesterday I got a letter from Aileen Hackett. Remember her? That makes twenty one correspondents that I’ve got now. It’s going to keep me busy I’m thinking.

I have done a little P.T. since I came back, but I haven’t yet done a full day of it. Yesterday was the nearest. I did 4 hrs. & had 1 ½ hrs. off to get paid. This morning we had a kit inspection which lasted all morning & this afternoon they paraded us down to see a football match between H. Div. & B. Div., so that we have done no work today.

The basement of our house was quarantined this afternoon for measles. The rest of the house will likely be tomorrow though I don’t know for sure. I certainly hope not though.

I guess I told you on Sunday of the O.T.C being bust up & the 196th sending a draft pretty soon. I haven’t heard anything since about anything down there.

Well I don’t think there is any more news. Our meals are improving some now, that is we can get enough to eat. We have had beans now for the last three mornings – also porridge. It’s quite a bit warmer too & we can sit in our room without freezing.



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