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Date: November 14th 1916

Nov 14th 1916

Dear Winnie: –

Since writing you last week we have been in and out and may have to go in again today. While in we paid another visit to Fritz & took over twice as much as we were expected to. A good deal more prisoners were taken by us than all our casualties together. I did not go over with the barrage but was posted with a machine gun crew at a "strong point" in "no mans land" almost one hundred and fifty yds in front of the section of trench taken by us a short time ago. Fritz was expected to counter attack about the place we were stationed but instead he came back about the same place as he was attacked and we, therefore, had little to do but lay low & not give away the post. We were there for two nights from dusk till dawn. He sent over some of his weeping gas in tear shells, we just got a little touch but that was enough.

Just after dark, before we took up our post on the last night I was in I patched up than the next man to me who was wounded in the face and arm and told some boys who were coming in to relieve us to be careful and not touch the wounded man and as soon as I spoke one of the fellows in the rear called out my name. He turned out to be a fellow I met in Van when I went there first. The last time I saw him was over two years ago when he was a street car conductor there.

I think the little stunt we pulled off the other night was the beginning of the big show & perhaps the beginning of the end. The bombarding  these last few days was something terrific & I guess all the Fritzies must be dead or nearly so by this time. Watch the papers for a "write up" about our battalion by the General. We may be getting leave to the Old Country soon.

You might pay my Insurance policy premium which amounts to $38.70 & is due a few days before Xmas.

I am feeling fine & in the best of health ever since I came across the pond & haven't missed a parade or trick in the trenches or on a working party so far.


J Corcoran


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