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Segt P Birnie
B Coy

My Dear Family;

I thought that before now I would have time to write you all a letter but as I have been so busy, I find now that I will have only a few minutes to get the last mail which will be picked up before we leave this boat.

I don’t know when you will receive this letter, or when I will be able to write again but don’t worry too much as I will writing or wiring as soon as I get a chance.

You will know when and where we are long before you receive this letter.  You will be surprised too.  It isn’t where we expected to when we were in Eng.

I could write pages and pages of what is happening these last few weeks but of course you know it wouldn’t be safe for us to write anything like that.  One thing sure is that I will have lots & lots of things to talk about when I do get back to you.

We won’t be on this boat long now, thank goodness it has been a long tiresome journey.  The weather has been very warm and I had a beautiful sunburn.

To-day it is nice not to hot and a nice breeze is blowing on deck.  There are so many men on deck it is hard to find a spot to write but I managed to find a spot perched on top of a hoisting machine.

Time to go to work again I’m afraid folks so I’ll have to go now please, remember that wherever I am and whatever I do I will always love you all in my heart write often as I need your letters now more than ever tell all the people who have been writing that I will resume writing whenever I get a chance, I will write you first so

Cheerio for now from
Your loving
Hubby Father

Another letter came after this he said  Don’t think I am being to optimistic but everything is being done that can be done to protect us don’t worry

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Original Scans
