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Date: May 20th 1942

No. 2 C.A.R.V. C.A.D.

May 20th 1942

Dear Mom:-

Received your swell parcel and duly proceeded to get most horribly sick, and I wasn’t the only one,these two Canadians with me weren’t in too grand shape either, I passed around some of the things such as the gum and nearly caused a riot, two guys swallowed theirs and WC longhed for half an hour at the R.S.M., you never heard such a clatter as he was making, Theres one thing I don’t understand though and that’s why you sent me so much soap, surly I didn’t impress you as being that dirty.

 I read the account of the wedding in the Post and got a swell kick out of the Rose crepe blue and red and plum coloured gowns worn by the principal characters, and also the out of town visitors with Cliff and Ada the high-lights of that. I’d sure like to have met Mr and Mrs [name partially obscured, ending in eroux] I guess they are pretty nice (over) people, especially if they are so small as Monty. Well I guess you are glad to have it over with now, although I wouldn’t be surprised but what you’ll have to run a repeat performance before very long, its too bad the boys of your family aren’t as much in demand as the girls then you could get rid of them easily too. To-day a Jerry plane sunk a British trowler not more than a quarter of a mile from us the report of the bomb was terrific, and although I didn’t see the doing’s I hear the ship went down almost immediately, no news yet of how many were lost but I guess it must have been a few, the funny thing about it was that we never heard the plane at all, however I can truthfully tell you that he’s getting a hell of a licking in Northern France right now. I’ve got to close because its time to go to school so I’ll be going



P.S. [word obscured] if you get what I mean

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