8th November, 1915.
Telegram and Cable Address
“Canrecords,”, London.
Canadian Record Office,
Westminster House,
7, Millbank, London, S.W.
Please address all communications:
“Officer I/C Records,”
and quote
No. R.L.
H. S. Golay Esq.,
Box 864,
Ontario, Canada.
Dear Sir,
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 20th ult., and in reply would say that this office has received no information of a sufficiently definite character to warrant any change in the casualty reported to No. 10169 – Pte. Hugh C. Sproule of the 3rd Battalion, viz., “Missing”.
Under these circumstances, and at this late date, I have reluctantly to inform you that this office can hold out little hope of information of a definite nature coming to hand at a future date.
I am,
Yours faithfully,
J. C. Seybold Lieut.
for Officer i/c Records.